
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)


SarvaShikshaAbhiyan (SSA)endeavours the task of quality education for all in several states. But it has been proven substantially successful in the state of Tamil Nadu. SSA was started in the academic year 2001. The scheme ensures education to all school aged children between the age group of (6-14). The feathers like effective contribution to the freedom struggle, prominence in Tamil literary history and colourful panorama beautify the cap of the district.

Administrative Structure

In Tenkasi District the SSA structure includes the DPO, District Project Office headed by ACEO (Additional Chief Educational Officer)& Assisted by APO (Assistant Project Officer).Each block is headed by a Supervisor. Block Resource Teacher Educators (BRTE)have been appointed to train the teachers who teach the children up to the class VIII. BRTEs supportteachers to enrich subject content as well as implement changes in the teaching methodologies.


Habitations are served with Government/Government aided primary schools. 32habitations are unserved with primary schooling facility and 37 habitations are unserved with upper primary schooling facility. The status of schooling access is ascertained as a result of GIS mapping carried out under SSA.

Transportation/Escort facilities

As drafted in RTE act,Keen observation is being paid to make the school age children access schools without any challenge. The provision of free transport to the children of schoolless habitation is one of the brilliant interventions of SSA. Keeping an eye on the children of schoolless habitation, free transport facility is provided to them between school and their home on all working days.In the year 2017-18, under the above intervention, 32 schoolless habitations were identified and Transport/Escort facilitywas provided to 522 children.

Out of School Children(OSC)

Education has been made as a right of every child. But children happen to drop out from school due to various reasons like poverty, ignorance of their parents, migration of the family in search of occupation, broken familyand loss of parents and lack of interest of in learning. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan programme comes to support the out of school children who have dropped out due to the above mentioned reasons and providesspecial training for them. These children are given additional academic support to in achieving academic skills as per their age. They are admitted in Non Residential Special training centres(NRSTC), Residential Special Training centres(RSTC), National Child Labour Programme (NCLP) schools and few are admitted into schools as direct enrolment.

43 NRSTC centres are run in school campus under the supervision of the Headmasters in 2017-18. Education volunteers are appointed to train the children to bridge the gap in knowledge and help them to get inducted in their age appropriate classes. 883 children are studying there. Special NRSTC centres run for children from other states. In our district, Hindi speaking children are admitted in these centres and are provided with Hindi text books. Education volunteers who can teach in Hindi are appointed in these centres.

There are 3 RSTC centres run by NGOs, which are selected by the district officials and approved by the District collector.Orphans or children of migrant workers, and children from poverty stricken families who are in need of food and shelter and education are admitted in these centres. 159 children are studying in these RSTCs.

Children with Special Needs (CWSN)

The children who are physically challenged admitted in regular schools as per RTE norms. These children are identified by EER Registers, Survey, Aganwadi Registers and ICDS Centres. Public are made aware of the privileges provided to CWSNthrough awareness campaigns. Medical Camps are being conducted for CWSN to identify their special needs. They are also provided with identity cards, aids and appliances and surgery for the needy ones. Regular trainings are given to the special teachers and physiotherapist in mobility, sign language and Braille version with a view to improve the skills of CWSN.

Transport facilities are arranged to bring the children to these centres. These centres are provided with aids and appliances, nutritious diet and parental caring and training. Every Block Resource Centre is provided with resource room for CWSN with all basic equipment to train the CWSN. Special teachers and Physiotherapists are there to take care of them.

Special teachers visit the home based CWSN regularly and they give drills, exercises, guidance and counselling to improve basic activities like eating, dressing, toilet habits etc. Transportation and escorts facilities are provided for the access and retention of CWSN.

Civil works

SSA is also fulfilling its objective of providing basic infrastructure facilities to Panchayat Union Primary Schools and Middle Schools. Buildings such as one classroom two classrooms or three classrooms are built for the needed schools. They are also provided with toilet facilities, safe and adequate drinking water facilities etc., The Construction work is supervised by Civil Engineers. 15 Boys toilets, 4 Girls toilets, 15 CWSN toilets have been constructed in the year 2017-18 and major repair works for 10 School buildings have also been completed.


Self Defence Training for girls

In order to develop self confidence and provide safety to girls, Self Defence Training was conducted in all blocks in our districts. About 2000 girls were given Self Defence Training under this special initiative.

Field visit to Science Centre

Field trip to District Science Centre was conducted in all blocks to make the students familiar with growing innovation and use of technology. A total of 2000 SC/ST/Minority/urban deprived students were benefitted in our district under this programme.

Partnership between Schools (PbS)

With a view to exchange and utilize the resources and experience of other schools, Partnership between schools programme (PbS) was initiated in the academic year 2017-18.Accordingly 20 students from the selected 8th standard of rural school would join with their counterpart of urban school and learn cooperatively and vice versa. Thus 13 rural school students visit 13 urban schools once a month. Similarly 13 urban school students visit 13 rural schools and engage in PbS.

Rashtriya Aviskar Abhiyan (RAA)

This programme was initiated for making the Science and Mathematics learning joyful and creative one. Science exhibitions were conducted at the block level and prizes were given. Best performing school was awarded with a shield.

“Techno Club” isformed in all upper primary schools under this programme. Techno club gives computer training to the students. Competitions were also conducted for the students of Techno clubs at block and district levels and prizes were also given to the winners.


School Grant and Maintenance Grants are released in time. School Grant is given to all government and government aided schools whereas Maintenance Grant is given only for the Government schools.

Computer Aided Learning (CAL)

In order to make learning through Information Communication Technology (ICT) and to enhance the achievement level of the children, CAL centres have been provided tomany government primary and upper primary schools. Most of the CAL centres have been equipped with projectors. DVDs on various subjects like Tamil, English, Maths, Science, Social Science, stories and language games etc. have also been provided to the use of the students. These CAL centres help the children to empower them with a deep knowledge ofICT.

Teacher Training

Teacher Training is one of the vital components of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. Every year the teachers at primary and upper primary levels are given need based in-service training to develop their subjects, new teaching methodology, and evaluation methods etc. Training programme is to enhance the quality of education. Regular training programme enliven the teachers and restore their spirit towards noble work.

Initiatives taken for Quality Education

Simplified Activity Based Learning (SABL)

This is based on Child-Centred learning. Children learn through simple activities. Childrenlearn very joyfully in a friendly atmosphere.

Active Learning Methodology(ALM)

Active Learning Methodology is being implemented in all upper primary sections. Students learn effortlessly through this methodology and sharpen their creativity.

Supplementary Readers

The reading habit of the students is enhanced by reading supplementary reader which are both in Tamil and English.

Science Kit box

Teacher use the science kit and make the students understand the science concepts very easily

Animation CD

Animation CDsreinforce the learning concepts and also the English Communicate Skill of the students.

Map and Exercise Book

They strengthen the knowledge of the natural resources, geographical features and the information of our country and the world.

Maths Kit box

Learning Mathematics is simplified due to the usage of Maths Kit box both at Primary and Upper Primary levels and student learn it enthusiastically.

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

The achievement of the children in learning is assessed and evaluated through the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation Method. Teachers evaluate the students’ curricular achievement observation skill, team spirit, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities and progress of the students.

National Achievement Survey (NAS)

In order to access the quality in education, National Achievement Survey was conducted for the students who are studying in 3rd ,5th and 8th students of randomly selected schools respectively. According to NAS 2017-18, our district stands in 8th place in the state level.

Community Mobilization Awareness Programme Competitions

Competitions on essay writing, painting and elocution were held on the topics girls’ education, Right to free and compulsory education and health and hygiene. The winners at the district level were awarded with certificates by the district collector.

Wall Painting

In order to improve English pronunciation of the primary school students, wall painting was done in 84 schools in 2017-18 in our district.Children correctly pronounce English words as a result of wallpaintings.

Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar (SVP)

Under this programme, every school has uploaded all the detail of the school in the prescribed web site under six domains related to school health and personal hygiene. These schools have been visited and verified by the district team followed by the state team.