

BLO e- Patrika 15th Edition new PDF ( 5 MB)

GELS-2024  Contesting Candidate’s Expenditure new

Election Rationalization Proposal

BLO e- Patrika 5th Edition new

BLO e- Patrika new

Amendment of Forms for Registration of Electorsnew

Continuous Revision 2023new

Continuous Revision 2022new

Special Summary Revision 2025 – Forms 9, 10, 11, 11A, & 11Bnew

“My Vote Matters” Volume III , Issue 1 new

AC wise Candidates Expenditure Statement – TNLA 2021new

Details of BLO / Know your BLO
Assembly Consistuency BLO List
1.Sankarankovil (SC) 219 (PDF 64 KB)
2.Vasudevanallur (SC) 220 (PDF 66 KB)
3.Kadayanallur 221 (PDF 73 KB)
4.Tenkasi 222 (PDF 78 KB)
5.Alangulam 223 (PDF 72 KB)
Details of BLA / Know your BLA
Assembly Consistuency BLA List
1.Sankarankovil (SC) 219 (PDF 235 KB)
2.Vasudevanallur (SC) 220 (PDF 139 KB)
3.Kadayanallur 221 (PDF 165 KB)
4.Tenkasi 222 (PDF 205 KB)
5.Alangulam 223 (PDF 143 KB)


List of Polling Stations
Assembly Consistuency PS list
1.Sankarankovil (SC) 219 (PDF 160 KB)
2.Vasudevanallur (SC) 220 (PDF 237 KB)
3.Kadayanallur 221 (PDF 294 KB)
4.Tenkasi 222 (PDF 215 KB)
5.Alangulam 223 (PDF 200 KB)
Polling Stations
No. Name No. Of Polling Stations
219 Sankarankovil (SC) 287
220 Vasudevanallur (SC) 275
221 Kadayanallur 334
222 Tenkasi 329
223 Alangulam 319
Total 1544
Age-Cohort Wise Elector Information
Age Cohort Projected Census Population. in age cohort (projected up to year of current revision) %age of (2) to ‘X’ i.e. total projected Population as per census Electors as per now proposed publication of final roll 06-01-2025 %age of (4) to ‘X’ i.e. total population as per voter roll %age of (4) to ‘Y’ i.e. registered voters vs eligible voters Difference between % of projected population & electorate in particular age-cohort
18-19 46355 2.45 23805 1.26 1.72 1.19
20-29 261502 13.80 246917 13.03 17.86 0.77
30-39 267042 14.09 278188 14.68 20.13 -0.59
40-49 253318 13.42 287623 15.18 20.81 -1.76
50-59 217633 11.49 234327 12.37 16.95 -0.88
60-69 146121 7.71 157906 8.33 11.42 -0.62
70-79 107648 5.68 92828 4.90 6.72 0.78
80+ 81561 4.30 39847 2.10 2.88 2.20
Total 1382178 72.95 1361441 71.86 98.50 1.09
Break up of Polling Stations Locations
Assembly No. Assembly Name Total Parts Total Polling Station 1 Polling Station 2 Polling Station 3 Polling Station 4 Polling Station 5 Polling Station 5 & more Polling Station Total Polling Location
219 Sankarankovil (SC) 287 287 102 41 4 5 3 0 179
220 Vasudevanallur (SC) 275 275 71 25 7 5 0 0 162
221 Kadayanallur 334 334 28 23 7 5 3 0 142
222 Tenkasi 329 329 47 33 9 13 1 0 154
223 Alangulam 319 319 92 37 11 8 4 0 181
Total 1544 1544 340 159 38 36 11 0 818
Constituency-Wise Information On EPIC & Photo Coverage In Current Rolls
AC No AC Name Total Electors Total Photos in the Roll Non-Photo Entries % of Non-Photo Entries Total EPIC Holders Residual Electors (without EPIC) % of Residual Electors Latest % of EPIC coverage against roll
219 Sankarankovil (SC) 253100 253100 0 0 253100 0 0 100
220 Vasudevanallur (SC) 250523 250523 0 0 250523 0 0 100
221 Kadayanallur 288721 288721 0 0 288721 0 0 100
222 Tenkasi 301930 301930 0 0 301930 0 0 100
223 Alangulam 267167 267167 0 0 267167 0 0 100
Total 1361441 1361441 0 0 1361441 0 0 100
Number of Electors in Final Roll 06-01-2025
No Name Total Polling Stations Total Parts Total No. Of Location Booth Level Officers(BLOs) Male Female Others Total
219 Sankarankovil (SC) 287 287 179 287 122948 130140 12 253100
220 Vasudevanallur (SC) 275 275 162 275 122189 128327 7 250523
221 Kadayanallur 334 334 142 334 142725 145981 15 288721
222 Tenkasi 329 329 154 329 147250 154561 119 301930
223 Alangulam 319 319 181 319 129932 137215 20 267167
Total 1544 1544 818 1544 665044 696224 173 1361441